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infundibulum hypothalami

См. также в других словарях:

  • infundibulum of hypophysis — infundibulum hypothalami, infundibulum of hypothalamus i. neurohypophyseos …   Medical dictionary

  • infundibulum — 1. [TA] A funnel or funnel shaped structure or passage. 2. SYN: i. of uterine tube. 3. The expanding portion of a calyx as it opens into the renal pelvis. 4. [TA] SYN: conus arteriosus. 5. Termination …   Medical dictionary

  • infundibulum neurohypophyseos — [TA] infundibulum of neurohypophysis: a hollow, funnel shaped mass in front of the tuber cinereum, which extends to the neurohypophysis. Called also i. of hypophysis or of hypothalamus, i. hypothalami, i. lobi posterioris hypophyseos [TA… …   Medical dictionary

  • nucleus arcuatus hypothalami — [TA] arcuate nucleus of hypothalamus: a nucleus of nerve cells in the posterior hypothalamic region, extending into the median eminence and almost entirely surrounding the base of the infundibulum. Called also infundibular n., n. infundibularis… …   Medical dictionary

  • infundibuloma — A pilocytic astrocytoma arising in the neurohypophysis of the pituitary. [infundibulum + G. oma, tumor] * * * in·fun·dib·u·lo·ma (in″fən dib″u loґmə) a tumor of the infundibulum hypothalami …   Medical dictionary

  • eminentia mediana — [TA] median eminence: the raised area on the infundibulum hypothalami at the floor of the third ventricle of the brain. Continuous below with the infundibular stem or stalk of the pituitary gland, it contains the primary capillary network of the… …   Medical dictionary

  • infundibular stem — the inferior part of the infundibulum hypothalami; it contains the neural connections of the pituitary gland and is continuous with the tuber cinereum …   Medical dictionary

  • Nucleus — 1) In cell biology, the structure that houses the chromosomes. 2) In neuroanatomy, a group of nerve cells. * * * 1. In cytology, typically a rounded or oval mass of protoplasm within the cytoplasm of a plant or animal cell; it is surrounded by a… …   Medical dictionary

  • area — 1. [TA] Any circumscribed surface or space. 2. All of the part supplied by a given artery or nerve. 3. A part of an organ having a special function, as the motor a. of the brain. SEE ALSO …   Medical dictionary

  • Median eminence — Not to be confused with Medial eminence. Brain: Median eminence Median eminence is ME , at bottom center, in light green. Latin eminentia mediana hypothalami NeuroNames …   Wikipedia

  • ФОРМОЛОВОЕ ТИТРОВАНИЕ — [метод Серенсе на (Sorensen), количественное определение аминокислот] основано на том, что при действии избытка нейтрального раствора формалина на раствор аминокислот или пептидов при очень слабокислой реакции (рН =6,8) происходит связывание… …   Большая медицинская энциклопедия

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